Saturday, December 18, 2010


Erin and I invited a few people over tonight for a little shindig full of girl talk, food and wonderful music. I had a great conversation with a new friend Kaylee, she asked me point blank what I was about. I enjoy honesty. Through our conversation I learned that I'm very simplistic. I don't need much to be happy. I've never been like this in my life, but I'm glad I've evolved into this person. My sister accused me of being conceited and spoiled earlier, I responded with a, "No, I'm just confident. I actually like myself." It's the truth, and I do love truthfulness.
I always had a vision for my life, and now slowly it's becoming reality. I took many detours and never thought I would/could reach this state of contentment. At one point tonight Chris was playing guitar, Jen was journaling, Erin and I were crocheting, Patrick was videoing Chris and Dylan was playing with my computer. The window was up letting the cool breeze in, and I don't think I've ever been so happy in my life. It was one of those little moments I'll cherish forever.
Simple, charming kind of life.


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